How You Can Prepare Beforehand With a Generator Installation

How You Can Prepare Beforehand With a Generator Installation

  • Generators
generator installation

Storms and harsh weather conditions are the usual culprits for a power outage, and unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to prevent them. No homeowner should have to deal with a power outage, especially when your food can spoil and your home is at risk of flooding because the sump pump can’t work. The good news, however, is that you can prepare your home for a power outage with the right kind of generator.

How a Generator Can Help You

Power outages happen, but the problem is what can happen to your home once the power goes out. Homes that experience power outages without a generator are subject to power surges, which can harm your appliances, a flooded basement or damaged plumbing, especially during the winter season, and possibly an entire fridge full of spoiled food. Installing a generator to your home may be expensive, but the damage done by power outages can be even more costly. Here’s how a generator can benefit your home.

  • It turns on instantly. Generators like a backup or standby generator work by detecting when the power goes off, generating power immediately. This prevents power surges because there is a constant source of power running in your home. A power surge is a spike in your home’s electrical current and it usually happens when the power is abruptly cut off and turned back on. Although power surges are common, they can destroy sensitive electronics like your computer or entertainment system and even start an electrical fire.
  • It protects your home. On top of preventing fire hazards, a generator makes sure important appliances like your home’s security system keep running. Your safety should always be a top priority, but without power your security system can’t protect you and your household from intruders.
  • You stay comfortable. A home without power in the dead of winter, or in the hottest month of summer can make anyone miserable. Having a generator installed and ready ensures you stay comfortable no matter when a power outage occurs.

What to Consider Before Installing a Generator

A generator is an appliance that any homeowner can benefit from, but it’s important to make sure you get the right generator for your home. Emergencies happen, but the worst thing you can do is to shop for a generator when you need one. It’s best to plan early, as finding the right generator will require some careful consideration. A generator is another major appliance, which is why you need to consider the following first.

  • Determine your load. Generators aren’t designed to power the entire house, which is why it’s important to prioritize what gets power and what doesn’t. Make sure to run through a list of what needs power, things like your refrigerator, HVAC system, and sump pump, to see which generator will best fit your needs.
  • Make sure to install a transfer switch. A transfer switch is a must have, as you can’t just plug in the generator to your house. Your house needs to be disconnected from the grid before starting the generator; otherwise the electricity produced can travel beyond your house and enter the grid, potentially killing any utility employees at work. A transfer switch is a safe solution that works by being wired directly to the house and shutting off power before the generator starts, directing any power generated to the designated circuits.
  • Consider the types of generators. Depending on where you live, you may need to consider something more powerful like a standby generator or something just the occasional power outage, like a portable generator. If you live somewhere secluded where a power outage could last days or have life-saving medical equipment, you might want to consider a standby generator.
  • Test it periodically. Once you’ve found the right generator, it’s important to let it run every now and then. Periodic test ensures your generator runs, and alerts you of any potential problems. Make sure to keep your generator somewhere level and well-ventilated. The best location is where you can easily access it for refueling later.

Stay Prepared With the Right Generator

A generator is a must have for any homeowner, but it’s important to make sure you get the best generator for your home. A licensed electrician will know what type of generator will best work for your home, and ensure a safe installation. Power outages aren’t just a nuisance; they can cause costly damages to your home. Don’t wait until it’s too late, prepare your home by calling an electrician today.

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9 Electrical Safety Warning Signs in Your Home

9 Electrical Safety Warning Signs in Your Home

  • Electrical
electrical safety

If you haven’t had an electrician to your home lately, you may want to consider doing so as a prevention strategy. This way, you can find issues before they develop into serious problems. As homes age, wiring frays and connections loosen. New appliances can strain the system. It’s important to have electricians to your home for routine maintenance.

If you do not recognize the warning signs of an electrical safety hazard, resulting issues can be annoying, expensive, and dangerous. At the least, electricity that isn’t working causes inconveniences. Repairs are time consuming and costly. If your appliances aren’t working efficiently, your energy bills will be higher. Appliances or lights  damaged beyond repair require replacements. A wonky electrical system lowers property resale value. At the worst, ignoring signs of impending electrical safety hazards means your home is at a higher risk of an electrical fire, or shocking someone.

However, knowing the warning signs of electrical system failures, and using preventative maintenance, brings many benefits. You will pay less for your monthly bill, your property resale value will be higher, the lifespan of your lights and appliances will be longer! Your family will be safer. Read on to discover which warning signs to be aware of.

1) When outlets have burn marks on the cover, the hot, or energized, wire has touched the neutral or ground wire. Corrosion over time or dirt and dust can make this problem occur.

2) If your lights are flickering or dimming more than just once in a while, your system’s connections are loose somewhere, or you have voltage fluctuation – a serious problem. Other symptoms of voltage fluctuation are light bulbs glowing too bright or too dim, or burning out faster than they should.

3) Smoke that smells off may signal a fire. The beginning stages of electrical fires,  as well as  brief burns caused by a short circuit, give off a tell-tale, acrid-scented smoke. A short might cause an electrical fire if it occurs within the walls, and catches surrounding materials on fire. If you have any sign of shorts occurring, remove the fuse or turn off your circuit breaker until an electrician can come by to check the circuit.

4) Other symptoms of trouble behind your walls are any kind of noises, like buzzing or clicks, when you flip a light switch. This is caused by faulty wiring within or close to the switch or outlet, or a loose connection on the switch, causing a short.

5) If you have mice in your house, then you might need to worry that they are chewing your wiring. Rodents gnawing on electrical wires will obviously cause problems with your system – not least, a potential electrical fire. Luckily, this problem isn’t as common as some of the other ones in this list. However, rodents have been known to chew wires to clear room to squeeze into holes passing through studs … and if you find one stud where they’ve done so, chances are they did it at more than one stud.

6) Another sign that you’ve got a problem is a circuit breaker that keeps tripping. Circuit breakers are built to “trip,” or shut off their electric flow, when they become overheated – to prevent damage or an electrical fire. If it’s doing this continually, chances are you’ve got an overloaded circuit, ground fault, or a short circuit.

7) Frequent power outages are an extremely frustrating sign of electrical issues. They can mean many various problems. Electrochemical treeing is one such issue, which happens when poorly manufactured insulation has allowed moisture penetration to occur, reducing dielectric strength. Or, power outages can be due to transformer failures, lightning, tree branches or fallen trees pushing lines together, birds nesting and causing faults on transmission towers, pecking at utility poles, or contaminating insulators with excrement, or contact from other animals – snakes, squirrels, insect colonies, large mammals, or rodents (view number six.)

8) Outlets or switch plates that become hot – especially when they don’t even have anything plugged in – likely mean improper wiring. You may need to flip the breaker, or or remove the outlet’s fuse, until you can schedule professional help.

9) Serious sparks from an outlet means you’ve got a short circuit, which can cause a fire. Sparking breaker panels or fuse boxes are just as serious. If an appliance is sparking, however, that’s more likely a sign that the appliance itself is damaged – get the appliance repaired. If the appliance is new, its warranty may take care of repair costs.

If you notice any of these signs, time to call the electrician! Wait too long, and the problem will only get more expensive to fix  and the possibility of danger increases. 

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8 Benefits of Investing in a Generator for Your Amesbury Home

8 Benefits of Investing in a Generator for Your Amesbury Home

  • Generators
generator in Amesbury

Whether you’re a business owner or you’re just looking for a generator for your Amesbury home, there are big benefits to getting a backup power system. You’ll save money, irritation and mental energy in the long run. Consider the following points as you weigh the pros and cons of a new generator.   

  1. Prevent food loss from spoiling. Individuals and families can spend hundreds of dollars a month on foods that stay in the refrigerator or freezer until they’re ready to use those ingredients. When the power goes out and stays out, it can mean that you have to throw out food before you’ve had a chance to use it. 
  2. Standby generators kick within seconds of a power outage. Your neighbors might be without power when the utility company suffers an issue, but with your standby generator, you’ll just have to wait a few seconds. The generator will start and warm up for a few seconds before it starts to power your home, but that shouldn’t take too long, often between 10 and 20 seconds  
  3. When power comes back on, the transition will be smooth. Standby generators help to smooth the transition from generator power back to utility-generated power.  These units typically run for a few minutes after the utility company gets the electricity back up and running, to ensure that the power is indeed stable enough to power your home. Once the motor has cooled a bit and the demand for power has transitioned to the utility lines, the generator shuts off.
  4. Even during an extended power disruption, you’ll be able to entertain yourselves and your family.  You’ll be able to watch TV, listen to music, have electricity to read by, and have hot water for bathing and other usage.  Assuming you have a standby generator, you won’t be dragging out a portable generator and looking for extension cords. With a standby generator, you shouldn’t even have to get up from where you are or interrupt your activities. 
  5. Commercial property and business owners will not see a disruption in their security system coverage. With a backup generator that kicks on within seconds, you’ll hear a warning beep, but the power should be up and running quickly enough that there’s no real disruption in protection for your business.
  6. Generators keep sump pumps working properly. If you have a sump pump  near your basement to keep the water out during particularly rainy and wet times, you won’t have to worry about potential flooding issues from a power loss. A generator keeps the sump pump running with minimal interruption, which could mean minimal damage from wet weather that knocks out the power grid.
  7. You can keep connections with others alive. So many people have digital devices that they use to communicate with others as well as entertain themselves. And we’re talking about more than just a phone. Computers are such a big part of everyday life now. Losing power can be very disruptive.
  8. You never know when you need backup power.  There are many reasons that the power might go out. Severe weather, trees falling onto power lines, even rodents gnawing on connections – these are all reasons that the power might unexpectedly fail, and no one can predict exactly when something like that might happen, or how long it might last, particularly in the winter months when the weather is unpleasant and cold. 

Whether you’re building a new home or looking to add a generator to your Amesbury emergency kit, there are tradeoffs, like the cost of the system. For a business owner who has power tools to run at work sites or at their main site, a generator is an investment that can help employees get more done. For homeowners, the investment into a backup power system (whether a permanent standby generator or a portable unit) could pay for itself with a bad winter or unpredictable electrical grids. 

For More Information on All Things Generators, Call NSHEC Today!

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