Issues Found During Inspection Hurting Your AC Performance

Issues Found During Inspection Hurting Your AC Performance

  • Cooling

The importance of AC Inspections

As temperatures climb, a healthy air conditioner is crucial for keeping your indoor environment comfortable. Regular AC inspection is vital to ensure your system is running efficiently and safely. This blog delves into the importance of AC inspections and outlines common issues that can arise, helping both homeowners and business owners maintain a cool, comfortable space.

Recommended Frequency for AC Inspections

To maintain your air conditioner’s performance and safety at its peak, scheduling a detailed AC inspection annually is recommended. This routine maintenance acts as a health check for your system, helping to protect your investment and guarantee comfort throughout the hot season.

Common Issues Uncovered During AC Inspections

Inspectors often find several typical problems during an AC check. These include:

  • Dirty Filters: Clogged filters restrict airflow and reduce efficiency. Changing filters regularly boosts system performance and longevity.
  • Worn Components: Parts like capacitors, fans, and compressor units can wear out or malfunction. Early detection and repair during inspections can prevent more significant problems.
  • Thermostat Issues: Incorrect thermostat settings or malfunctions can lead to poor cooling and increased energy consumption.
  • Drainage Problems: Blocked drain lines can cause water leaks and increase humidity levels, impacting comfort and air quality.

Consequences of Neglecting AC Issues

Ignoring issues highlighted during AC inspections can lead to decreased efficiency, higher utility bills, reduced comfort, and safety risks. Minor problems can escalate into major repairs or even require system replacement if not addressed timely.

AC Inspection Services by [Your Company Name]

At [Your Company Name], we focus on your comfort and safety. We handle all types of AC systems and our comprehensive inspection process includes:

  • Thorough System Examination: We check all components of your AC system.
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: We clean critical parts and perform necessary tune-ups.
  • Problem Detection: We identify any underlying issues with your AC system.
  • Safety Checks: We ensure your system is operating safely.
  • Repair and Upgrade Recommendations: We advise on necessary repairs or upgrades.

Benefits of Regular AC Inspections

Having your AC system inspected regularly offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Enhanced indoor comfort
  • Extended lifespan of your AC unit
  • Increased safety
  • Lower utility bills
  • Peace of mind that your AC is functioning properly

Importance of Timely Inspections

Regular AC inspections are crucial for maintaining a cool and safe environment during warmer months. By addressing common problems early and ensuring your AC system is in excellent condition, you can enjoy improved efficiency, comfort, and peace of mind. Don’t wait for the heat to become unbearable—schedule an AC inspection with [Your Company Name] today to ensure your system runs smoothly all season long.

So be sure to call North Shore Home Energy today, Just read some of our five star reviews today and see what some of our happy customers had so say!

By nshec

Why Is My Commercial Ice Machine Not Making Ice?

Why Is My Commercial Ice Machine Not Making Ice?

  • Miscellaneous
why is my commercial ice machine not making ice

Every restaurant, hotel, and many other businesses rely heavily on their commercial ice machines. But there comes a time when you may ask, “Why is my commercial ice machine not making ice?” This is a common concern, and there are a myriad of reasons for it. Let’s dive into the key reasons, prevention tips, and how North Shore Home Energy can be your savior during such crises.

Common Reasons a Commercial Ice Machine Stops Making Ice

Power Issues

The most basic reason can sometimes be a power outage. Ensure the ice machine is connected to a power source, and the outlet is functioning correctly. Occasionally, circuit breakers can trip, cutting off power to the machine.

Water Supply Issues

“Why is my commercial ice machine not making ice?” It might be a water supply problem. Ensure that there’s a consistent water flow to your machine. Check for any clogs, frozen lines, or closed water valves.

Temperature Problems

Commercial ice machines require an optimal environment to function correctly. If the room is too hot, the machine might not produce ice. Ensure that the machine’s surroundings are cool enough and that its internal thermostat is set to the right temperature.

Blocked Ice Maker

Sometimes, ice can become lodged in the ejector’s arm, preventing new ice from forming. Make sure there are no obstructions, and remove any ice blockages gently.

Faulty Components

Parts like the water inlet valve, thermostat, or pump could be malfunctioning. If you suspect a component is faulty, consult with a professional for a diagnosis.

Dirty or Scaled Evaporator Plates

Over time, minerals from water can accumulate on the evaporator plates, affecting ice production. Regular cleaning can help, but if scaling is excessive, descaling solutions might be necessary.

How to Prevent Commercial Ice Machine Issues

  • Regular Maintenance: Routine check-ups and cleanings can prevent many common issues.
  • Optimal Placement: Ensure your ice machine is in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Water Filtration: Using water filters can prevent scaling and improve ice quality.
  • Train Staff: Ensure your team knows how to operate the machine correctly to prevent 

How North Shore Home Energy Can Help with Your Commercial Ice Machine Issues

North Shore Home Energy boasts a team of professionals well-versed in tackling all kinds of problems. Whether it’s routine maintenance, component replacement, or full-scale repairs, North Shore Home Energy is equipped to restore your ice machine to its optimal functionality. Don’t let the question, “Why is my commercial ice machine not making ice?” plague your business operations. Reach out to North Shore Home Energy for a hassle-free solution.

Unfreezing the Ice Machine Mystery

In conclusion, while there can be multiple reasons your commercial ice machine stops producing ice, from power issues to dirty evaporator plates, proactive measures and regular maintenance can prevent many of these issues. And when in doubt, professionals like those at North Shore Home Energy are always at your service to resolve any complications.

Don’t let ice machine issues put a freeze on your business operations. Understand the problems, take preventive measures, and have a reliable partner like North Shore Home Energy by your side.

Check out our Google Reviews!

By nshec

Are Generac Generators Worth It?

Are Generac Generators Worth It?

  • Generators
are generac generators worth it milltown plumbing

In today’s fast-paced world, a consistent and uninterrupted power supply is important to keep our homes and businesses operating smoothly. Power outages can bring about many inconveniences, financial losses, and even safety risks. To combat this challenge, an increasing number of homeowners and businesses are turning to generators for dependable backup power. Among the popular choices in the market are Generac generators, and North Shore Home Energy is here to provide professional generator installation services. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Generac generators, their numerous benefits, potential drawbacks, factors to consider before making a purchase, and ultimately answer the question: Are Generac generators worth it?

What are Generac Generators?

Generac generators are renowned for their high-quality, standby power solutions. These generators are permanently installed outside your home or business, connected to your electrical system, and automatically turn on when the power goes out. They come in various sizes and power capacities to meet different needs.

Benefits of Generac Generators

Generac generators have become a top choice for those seeking a dependable backup power solution. Here are some key advantages of investing in a Generac generator:

  1. Automatic Power Transfer: One of the advantages of Generac generators is their automatic power transfer feature. When a power outage occurs, the generator senses it and takes over. This ensures there is little to no interruption in the power supply.
  2. Reliable Backup Power: Generac generators run on natural gas or propane. This makes them more reliable than portable generators that depend on fuel availability during emergencies.
  3. Peace of Mind: With a Generac generator, you can have peace of mind knowing that your essential appliances will continue to function during power outages.
  4. Home Value: Installing a Generac generator can boost your home’s value, as it is considered a valuable and attractive feature for potential buyers.

Potential Drawbacks of Generac Generators

While Generac generators come with numerous benefits, it is essential to consider some potential drawbacks before making a final decision.

  1. Initial Cost: Generac generators require a significant upfront investment, including the cost of the unit itself and professional generator installation. However, the long-term benefits may outweigh the initial expenses.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Like any complex machine, Generac generators need regular maintenance to ensure they operate optimally. Maintenance costs should be factored into the overall ownership cost.
  3. Noise: While Generac generators are designed to be quieter than some other models, they can still produce noise during operation.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Generac Generator

When contemplating the purchase of a Generac generator, it’s essential to take certain factors into account to ensure you make the right decision:

  1. Power Requirements: Assess your power needs to determine the generator’s size and capacity that suits your home or business requirements.
  2. Fuel Source: Decide between natural gas and propane generators based on availability and convenience.
  3. Location and Zoning: Check local regulations and zoning rules regarding generator installation and placement.
  4. Professional Installation: Ensure that you hire a certified electrician or generator installer to set up your Generac generator correctly and safely.

Are Generac Generators Worth It?

The answer to this question depends on individual circumstances and needs. If you live in an area with frequent power outages or require a reliable backup power source for your business, a Generac generator can be a worthy investment. The peace of mind, convenience, and added home value they provide often outweigh the initial costs and potential drawbacks. Before making a decision, carefully evaluate your requirements, budget, and available fuel options.

Generac Generators: A Worthy Investment

In conclusion, Generac generators stand as a reliable and automatic backup power solution catering to both homeowners and businesses. These generators boast an array of benefits, encompassing automatic power transfer, peace of mind, and even an increase in property value. While some may perceive the upfront costs and regular maintenance as potential drawbacks, the long-term advantages of Generac generators often solidify their status as a valuable investment. When contemplating the question of are Generac generators worth it, it is crucial to meticulously evaluate your power needs, available fuel options, and adhere to proper installation guidelines. In numerous cases, the convenience and security they offer render them a well-worthy investment for anyone seeking an uninterrupted power supply. To embark on this power journey, trust North Shore Home Energy and our specialized generator installation services, ensuring a seamless and efficient integration of your backup power solution.

Check out our Google Reviews to see why our customers love North Shore Home Energy!

By nshec

Does Generator Repair Extend Lifespan?

Does Generator Repair Extend Lifespan?

  • Generators

When it comes to ensuring an uninterrupted power supply, generators play a vital role. However, generators have a limited lifespan. To maximize the life of your generator, regular repair with North Shore Home Energy is crucial. In this blog post, we will discuss whether generator repair can extend its lifespan. Let’s explore the average lifespan of a generator, factors that can reduce its lifespan, and the benefits of regular generator repair.

What is the Average Lifespan of a Generator?

Knowing the average lifespan of a generator emphasizes the significance of maintenance and repair. On average, a well-maintained generator can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years. However, this lifespan can vary depending on several factors.

What Reduces the Lifespan of a Generator?

Several factors can contribute to the reduction in a generator’s lifespan. These include:

  1. Lack of Regular Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to the build-up of debris, which can impact the generator’s performance.
  2. Ignoring Repair Needs: Ignoring minor issues can result in problems, putting additional stress on the generator.
  3. Fuel Contamination: Poor-quality fuel can damage the generator’s internal parts, leading to potential malfunctions.
  4. Overloading: Running the generator beyond its recommended capacity can lead to premature failure.

How Regular Generator Repair Can Increase Lifespan

Regular generator repair can significantly extend the lifespan of your generator. Here are some ways repair services can help:

  1. Early Problem Detection: Regular inspections allow technicians from North Shore Home Energy to identify issues before they escalate into major problems.
  2. Component Maintenance: Repair services ensure optimal performance and reduce the chances of breakdowns.
  3. Fluid Analysis: Regular generator repair includes fluid analysis to find and fix any issues with fuel, lubricants, and coolants. This helps maintain the generator’s efficiency and protects its internal parts from damage.
  4. Electrical System Inspection: Technicians from North Shore Home Energy conduct thorough checks on the electrical system, identifying any faults that may affect the generator’s performance.

Benefits of Regular Generator Repair

Regular repair and maintenance of your generator offer numerous advantages, including:

  1. Enhanced Reliability: Regular repair services increase the reliability of your generator, ensuring it operates efficiently when you need it most.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Well-maintained generators are more fuel-efficient, reducing operational costs and minimizing environmental impact.
  3. Cost Savings: Timely repairs can prevent major breakdowns that would require expensive replacements, saving you money in the long run.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your generator is in optimal condition provides peace of mind during power outages and emergencies.

Generator Repair: Extending Lifespan and Ensuring Reliable Performance

In conclusion, generator repair plays a crucial role in extending its lifespan and ensuring reliable performance. Regular maintenance and timely repairs with North Shore Home Energy can prevent issues from escalating, increase efficiency, and save you money in the long term. Don’t underestimate the power of generator repair – contact North Shore Home Energy today for all your generator repair needs!

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By nshec

Understanding the Benefits of Simultaneous AC and Furnace Installation

Understanding the Benefits of Simultaneous AC and Furnace Installation

  • Cooling

When it comes to upgrading your HVAC system, simultaneous AC and furnace installation can provide you with a range of benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of this approach and guide you through the process. By understanding the benefits and taking the necessary steps with North Shore Home Energy, you can enjoy year-round comfort while optimizing energy efficiency.

Understanding Simultaneous AC and Furnace Installation

Simultaneous AC and furnace installation involve the process of installing both systems together, instead of separate installations. By integrating the two systems, homeowners can avoid winter downtime and enjoy a seamless transition from one season to another. This innovative approach takes advantage of advancements in HVAC technology to provide optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Benefits of Simultaneous AC and Furnace Installation

When it comes to upgrading or installing new HVAC systems, opting for simultaneous AC and furnace installation brings a multitude of benefits, including:

  1. Cost and Time Savings: Simultaneous installation reduces labor costs associated with separate installations. By completing both installations at once, you minimize disruptions and eliminate the need for additional visits.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Integrated systems work cohesively, optimizing energy usage and improving overall efficiency. Simultaneous installation ensures that your air conditioning and furnace systems are designed to complement each other.
  3. Seamless Seasonal Transition: Simultaneous installation means you won’t experience any downtime during the winter season. You can smoothly switch from heating to cooling without delays or discomfort.
  4. Proper System Sizing: Simultaneous installation allows contractors to accurately assess your home’s heating and cooling needs together. This ensures that both systems are properly sized and tailored to your specific requirements.
  5. Integrated Control and Convenience: With simultaneous installation, you can enjoy the convenience of a unified control system. You’ll have one central thermostat to manage both your AC and furnace, providing greater ease of use and control over your home’s climate.

What to Expect During Simultaneous Installation

During the simultaneous installation process, expect the following:

  1. Site Preparation: A North Shore Home Energy contractor will assess your space, ensure proper ventilation, and make any necessary adjustments to accommodate the installation.
  2. Equipment Installation: The AC and furnace systems will be installed together, with careful attention to electrical connections, ductwork, and venting requirements.
  3. System Testing and Calibration: A North Shore Home Energy contractor will thoroughly test the integrated systems, ensuring optimal functionality and performance. They will calibrate the controls and make any necessary adjustments.

Discover the Benefits of Simultaneous AC and Furnace Installation

Simultaneous AC and furnace installation offers numerous advantages, including cost and time savings, enhanced efficiency, seamless seasonal transitions, proper system sizing, and integrated control. By preparing adequately, you can experience the benefits of a harmonious HVAC system that ensures year-round comfort in your home.

Are you ready to upgrade your HVAC system? Contact North Shore Home Energy today to explore the benefits of simultaneous AC and furnace installation.

Check out our Google Reviews!

By nshec

The Importance of Generator Installation in MA and NH

The Importance of Generator Installation in MA and NH

  • Generators

As storm season approaches, residents of Massachusetts and New Hampshire understand the challenges that severe weather conditions can bring. Power outages and disruptions to daily routines can wreak havoc on homes and communities. However, there is a solution to ensure an uninterrupted power supply during these trying times—installing a whole-house generator with the help of North Shore Home Energy. At North Shore Home Energy, we specialize in generator installation services in MA and NH. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of generator installation, emphasizing the role of whole-house generators and the factors to consider when installing one in the North Shore region. Let’s explore the process of installing a whole-house generator and the numerous benefits they offer.

Understanding the Challenges of Storm Season in MA and NH

Massachusetts and New Hampshire experience their fair share of severe weather conditions, including hurricanes, snowstorms, and powerful winds. These storms often result in power outages that can last hours or even days. During such times, essential household functions such as heating, refrigeration, and communication systems are compromised, leading to discomfort and potential safety risks. It is crucial to prepare for these situations and ensure a reliable backup power source.

The Role of Whole House Generators in MA and NH Storms

Whole house generators are vital in mitigating the adverse effects of power outages caused by storms. These generators are designed to provide an uninterrupted power supply to an entire home, ensuring that critical appliances and systems remain functional. By automatically detecting power disruptions, whole house generators activate within seconds, minimizing the impact of downtime and keeping your home running smoothly.

Factors to Consider During Generator Installation in MA and NH

When installing a whole-house generator, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  1. Power Capacity: Determine the appropriate generator size based on your power needs. Consider the essential appliances and systems you want to keep running during a power outage, such as heating, cooling, refrigeration, and medical devices.
  2. Fuel Type: Choose the fuel type that best suits your needs and availability. Common options include natural gas, propane, and diesel. Evaluate the availability, cost, and convenience of each fuel type in your area.
  3. Installation Location: Select a location that accounts for the wooded surroundings of MA and NH. Ensure proper clearance from trees, branches, and vegetation, and maintain adequate ventilation for optimal generator performance.
  4. Professional Installation: It is highly recommended to hire a professional generator installation company in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. They have the expertise to assess your specific requirements, handle the installation process safely, and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.
  5. Transfer Switch: A transfer switch is an essential component that connects the generator to your home’s electrical system. It automatically switches power sources and prevents back-feeding, ensuring the safety of utility workers. Choose the appropriate type and size of transfer switch for seamless operation.
  6. Maintenance and Service: Regular maintenance and servicing are crucial for the optimal performance and longevity of your generator. Consider maintenance plans offered by generator installation companies to ensure your system remains in top condition.
  7. Warranty and Support: Evaluate the warranty and support options provided by the generator manufacturer and installation company. A comprehensive warranty and reliable customer support can give you peace of mind and protect your investment.

By considering these factors, you can make informed decisions when installing a whole-house generator, ensuring it meets your power requirements and functions reliably during storm season in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Benefits of Whole Home Generators During MA and NH Storm Season

  1. Reliable Power Supply: In heavily wooded areas like MA and NH prone to storms, whole-home generators provide a reliable source of electricity. No matter how severe the weather, you can have peace of mind knowing that your power supply remains uninterrupted.
  2. Home Protection: With a generator, critical systems like sump pumps and security systems remain operational, preventing potential damage to your home during power outages.
  3. Comfort and Convenience: Whole house generators maintain power to heating, cooling, lighting, and appliances, allowing you to stay comfortable and carry on with your routine, even during extended outages.
  4. Safety and Security: Having a functioning generator ensures that essential medical devices, such as oxygen concentrators or refrigerated medications, stay powered, safeguarding the health and well-being of you and your family.
  5. Increased Property Value: A professionally installed whole-house generator can enhance the value of your home, attracting potential buyers who prioritize reliability and preparedness.
  6. Protection Against Tree-Related Damage: Trees pose a significant risk to power lines, especially during storms. By having a generator, you can continue to power critical systems like sump pumps, preventing flooding and water damage in your home. It also ensures that security systems, including cameras and alarms, remain operational, enhancing the safety and protection of your property.

Ensuring Uninterrupted Power During Storm Season

In conclusion, generator installation plays a crucial role in MA and NH, where storm season brings unpredictable weather and power outages. By installing a whole-house generator, homeowners can secure a reliable backup power source. Consider the necessary factors, consult with professionals, and enjoy the benefits of a whole-home generator. Don’t let storms disrupt your life – be prepared with a reliable backup power solution!

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By nshec

How Much Does Mini Split Installation Cost: Complete Guide

How Much Does Mini Split Installation Cost: Complete Guide

  • Cooling
  • Heating
  • Indoor Air Quality
How Much Does Mini Split Installation Cost Complete Guide - North Shore Home Energy

Mini split systems are a popular heating and cooling option for homeowners due to their efficiency and ease of use. If you’re considering installing a mini split system in your home, one of the most important factors to consider is the installation cost. In this blog post, we’ll provide a complete guide on costs and what factors affect the cost.

How Much Does Mini Split Installation Cost?

The cost of mini split installation varies depending on several factors such as the size of the unit, the complexity of the installation, and the location. On average, mini split installation costs between $3,000 and $8,000, including both materials and labor. However, the price can be higher or lower depending on the factors that we’ll discuss in the following sections.

Installation Cost Chart

The installation cost of a mini split system can vary based on several factors. The following chart shows the average cost range based on different factors:

Mini Split Pricing Table, Differentiating Feature, size, climate, energy efficiently, cost range - Standard, pro residential, commercial
Mini Split Pricing Table

Other Factors That Affect the Cost

Several other factors affect the cost, including the size of the unit, the number of indoor units, the type of installation, and the location. Additionally, the complexity of the installation, the accessibility of the installation site, and the labor costs can also affect the overall cost.

Additional Costs to Consider When Installing a Mini Split System

When installing a mini split system, there are additional costs to consider, such as the cost of electrical work, the cost of a new thermostat, and the cost of maintenance. These costs can vary based on the complexity of the installation and the size of the unit.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Mini Split Installation

By understanding the factors that affect the cost, you can budget and plan for the installation of a mini-split system more effectively. Don’t forget to consider the additional costs when installing a mini split system to ensure that you’re fully prepared for the overall cost. Contact North Shore Home Energy for more information on installing your new mini split system.

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Don’t Get Burned: DIY Furnace Repair Risks Explained

Don’t Get Burned: DIY Furnace Repair Risks Explained

  • Heating
Don't Get Burned The Dangers of DIY Furnace Repair - Northshore Home Energy

If you’re like many homeowners, you might be tempted to try your hand at furnace repair to save money. However, DIY furnace repair can be dangerous and costly. In this blog post, we’ll explore the risks of DIY furnace repair, as well as the importance of proper furnace maintenance and knowing when to call a professional.

The Risks of DIY Furnace Repair

There are several risks associated with DIY furnace repair. These risks include fire hazards, electrical hazards, and the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Fire Risks

One of the biggest risks of DIY furnace repair is the risk of fire. Furnaces generate a lot of heat, and any mistake during a repair can result in a fire. This can be especially dangerous if your furnace is in a small, confined space like a closet or utility room.

Electrical Risks

Another risk is electrical hazards. Furnaces use electricity to power various components, and mishandling these components can result in electrical shock or even electrocution.

Poisoning Risks

Furnaces can also produce carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that can be deadly if inhaled in large quantities. Without the proper training and equipment, it can be difficult to detect carbon monoxide leaks and fix them properly.

Financial Risks

Finally, there are financial risks associated as well. If a repair is done improperly, it can cause even more damage to your furnace, resulting in costly repairs or even the need for a full furnace replacement.

Who to Call To Repair Your Furnace

Given the risks associated with DIY furnace repair, it’s important to know when to call a professional. If you’re experiencing any issues with your furnace, such as strange noises, lack of heat, or frequent cycling, it’s best to call a professional furnace repair technician at North Shore Home Energy.

Proper Furnace Maintenance

To avoid the need for frequent furnace repairs, it’s important to properly maintain your furnace. This includes changing your furnace filter regularly, keeping your furnace clean, and scheduling regular maintenance appointments with a professional technician. Proper maintenance can help extend the life of your furnace and prevent costly repairs.

Other Risks

Outside of the physical risks associated with DIY furnace repair, there are warranty and quality risks as well. Click here to learn more.

In conclusion, DIY furnace repair can be dangerous and costly. With the risk of fire, electrical hazards, carbon monoxide poisoning, and financial risks, it’s important to know when to call a professional furnace repair technician. By properly maintaining your furnace and scheduling regular maintenance appointments, you can help prevent the need for repairs and keep your furnace running efficiently and safely. Don’t get burned – leave furnace repair to North Shore Home Energy! Give us a call today and check out our Google reviews! 

By nshec

DIY Furnace Repair: Why You Shouldn’t Attempt It

DIY Furnace Repair: Why You Shouldn’t Attempt It

  • Heating
professional furnace repair done by North Shore Home Energy

As the temperature starts to drop, your furnace becomes an essential component of your home. However, with regular use, your furnace can break down, leading to a cold and uncomfortable home. If you encounter any problems with your furnace, you may be tempted to attempt a DIY furnace repair. While it may seem like a cost-effective solution, it can cause more harm than good. Here’s why you should always hire a professional for furnace repair instead of attempting to fix it yourself.

Why DIY Furnace Repair is a Bad Idea

Generally, attempting to repair a furnace yourself is a bad idea due to a number of reasons, including:

  • Safety
  • Cost
  • Efficiency
  • Warranty

Safety Concerns

Furnaces are complex machines that require a certain level of expertise to repair. Attempting to fix your furnace without the necessary skills and knowledge can pose a significant risk to your safety. A professional furnace repair technician will have undergone extensive training to handle these appliances safely. They will be equipped with the appropriate tools and protective gear to avoid any accidents.

Click here to learn more about the physical risks of DIY furnace repair.

Cost-Effective Solutions

One of the main reasons people attempt DIY furnace repairs is to save money. However, in most cases, the opposite is true. Fixing a furnace requires specialized equipment and parts that are often costly. A professional furnace repair technician can diagnose the issue quickly and efficiently and have the necessary parts to fix it. Attempting to repair your furnace on your own can cause more damage, leading to additional costs in the long run.


Your furnace is responsible for heating your entire home. When it malfunctions, it can lead to discomfort, especially during the colder months. Attempting to fix it yourself can cause more damage, leading to reduced efficiency and an increased energy bill. A professional furnace repair technician will ensure that your furnace is working at optimal efficiency, saving you money on energy costs.


Most furnaces come with a manufacturer’s warranty that covers any defects or damages. Attempting a DIY furnace repair can void this warranty, leading to additional costs if anything goes wrong. A professional furnace repair technician will ensure that any repairs are made according to the manufacturer’s specifications, keeping your warranty intact.

Don’t Attempt Do-It-Yourself Furnace Repairs

While attempting a DIY furnace repair may seem like a cost-effective solution, it can cause more harm than good. With safety concerns, cost-effective solutions, efficiency, and warranty implications, it’s always best to hire a professional furnace repair technician. At the first sign of trouble, call a professional to avoid any further damage or safety concerns. Don’t risk fixing your furnace yourself, always hire a professional. Call North Shore Home Energy for all your furnace repair needs, and don’t forget to check out our Google reviews!

By nshec

Which HVAC Systems Qualify For Mass Save Rebates?

Which HVAC Systems Qualify For Mass Save Rebates?

  • Heating
Qualifying heat pump for Mass Save being installed by North Shore Home Energy

Mass Save is a Massachusetts-based energy savings program that provides incentives and rebates to homeowners and businesses who invest in energy-efficient upgrades. One of the most cost-effective ways to reduce energy usage and save money is by upgrading your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. In this article, we’ll discuss which HVAC systems qualify for Mass Save rebates and the types of rebates available.

Mini Splits that Qualify for Mass Save Rebates

Mini split systems are an increasingly popular choice for home heating and cooling solutions. They are easy to install, relatively small in size, require minimal ductwork, and offer great efficiency compared to other systems. Mini-splits also come with both heating and cooling capabilities, making them a perfect all-in-one solution for any home. 

Mass Save offers up to $10,000 in rebates when you install a qualifying mini-split system. To qualify, the system must be at least 15.2 SEER or higher and meet certain other criteria.

Heat Pumps that Qualify for Mass Save Rebates

Heat pumps are another popular option for home heating and cooling systems. They are incredibly efficient, as they can transfer heat from one place to another instead of generating it themselves. Heat pumps can work as a standalone system or in conjunction with other HVAC equipment, such as air conditioners or furnaces.

If you install a qualifying heat pump system, Mass Save offers up to $10,000 in rebates for air-source heat pumps and up to 15,000 for ground-source heat pumps.

Furnaces that Qualify for Mass Save Rebates

Furnaces have been the go-to choice for home heating for decades. Although they are not as efficient as newer systems such as mini splits or heat pumps, they are still a viable option and often the most cost-effective choice. 

Like the above two options, you can save up to $1,000 in rebates when you install a qualifying furnace. The system must be rated at least 95% Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) to qualify for the Mass Save rebate.

Room Air Conditioners that Qualify for Mass Save Rebates

Window-mounted room air conditioners are the traditional go-to choice for home cooling solutions. They are relatively simple to install and can be relatively efficient compared to other cooling options. 

Mass Save offers a $40 rebate when you install a qualifying ENERGY STAR certified room air conditioner. If you’re looking at heat pumps or mini splits for air conditioning, refer to the appropriate sections above.

Boilers that Qualify for Mass Save Rebates

Boilers are often used instead of a furnace to provide heat. They are known for their long life expectancy and their efficiency.

If you are considering installing a boiler, remember that the system must be rated at least 95% Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) to qualify for the Mass Save. Mass Save can offer up to $1,200 in rebates.

Mass Save and North Shore Home Energy

There are a variety of rebates for energy-saving upgrades. The type of system you choose will depend on your budget, lifestyle, and needs. When selecting a system, make sure to look into the various rebate programs available through Mass Save. This can help you save money and ensure you get the most efficient system for your home.

North Shore Home Energy is proud to be a qualified Mass Save installer and can help you through the various stages of the rebate process. Contact North Shore Home Energy today to install your qualifying Mass Save appliances!

By nshec